Organizational Impact Report 2016-2023
This report highlights the work and impact the Dandelion Team has had within the community since 2016 when we first began on the steps of city hall.
Dandelions grow through concrete and so do we.
Please read the highlights, the impacts and the thank you’s.
We are a small but mighty group of women, non-binary folks and survivors. There is much to celebrate and remember throughout the years and we are so grateful to share this with you.
Thank you to Kitty Rhodé for your design and work to help this report shine!
Don’t Rebuild On Our Backs 2020/2021
Don’t Rebuild On Our Backs is a call-to-action for policy change, equity, safety for survivors and the organizations and programs that serve them.
This report and these recommendations are intended to serve as a piece of a larger collective ask where primary prevention and gender equity are prioritized, and a feminist economic recovery plan is implemented through the community. We do not want to see our work, programs, and voices left behind
Read more about the gendered impacts of COVID-19
As a culture, we often disregard how violence is fueled by misogyny. We do not label it femicide, and therefore we do not and cannot prioritize prevention or uproot rape culture. This must change.