Welcome to the Learning Portal
How to Use the Portal
If you are referencing this portal content or any activities created by the author please use : Belle, V. (2021). Dandelion Initiative. Safer Bars and Artistic Workplaces Training and Learning Portal, Ontario. Canada. If you are referencing the activities or resources provided please reference the name of the author or creator directly as cited on the portal. Please Do not copy and paste without clicking on the hyperlinks or articles to reference the authors and provide credit first in writing.
This portal is a learning and exploring space, filled with resources, references, templates, activities and offerings that centre on gender-based violence prevention and response in the Hospitality and Arts workplaces and community spaces
Please do not use this portal to replace training or workshops for your staff and teams. In-person or digital blended learning opportunities are necessary to meet compliance in many workplaces and to foster safer practices and policies that prevent and respond to sexual/gender-based violence in survivor-centric ways. Please Review our Expert Referrals Section for Recommended Educators.
We encourage you to learn through stages, start with Section 1, then move on to Section 2 and onwards.
There are reminders throughout the learning portal that will help you retrace your steps for further learning if you need support. Bookmark where you leave off, this will help you return to your place on the portal.
You can use this portal to create your own learning opportunities and challenges for your team.
You can also use the templates provided that are downloadable.
You can choose to click on the portal sections and modules or you can simply continue to scroll along, both are valuable ways to engage with the learning.
Each section of the portal can take from 1.5 hours to 5 hours to explore, read or engage with. As diverse learners, we worked to represent the non-academic voice and survivor language as well.
You can use this portal to play games, explore ideas, and listen to stories. It is a great way to start hard conversations around sexual/gender-based violence.
Each section has learning objectives, read them once through before you start a page and then read it after like a checklist, how many of the learning objectives do you feel confident with?
Each section within the portal has “Tips” “Opportunities for Learning” and “Reflections” these keywords prompt you along the way for meaningful learning and thinking. Grab a special notebook that you’ll only use for the learning and reflections throughout the portal
Why did we create a learning portal?
The Dandelion team decided to invest our energy, resources and knowledge to disseminate all the content and resources we have collected throughout our workshops and training sessions.
This is because we fundamentally agree that gender-based violence training and education should not create a market for these services. Rather, training and education that centres on survivors lived experiences and expertise should be honoured and driven by the communities it serves. You will find a combination of templates, research, theories, perspective and knowledge from predominantly women and women of colour. You will also find data and hyperlinks to engaging activities and knowledge.
There are all different forms of perspective and voices throughout the learning. We encourage you to connect with us if you feel we can add or amend any information. This portal will remain active and fluid while we continue to deliver our training and policy programs.
Although the content is Ontario-specific, we feel it can be valuable for all communities across Turtle Island.
If you are interested in working with us please email saferspaces@dandelioninitiative.ca
We wish you the best with your learning and hope that you have an open heart, mind and a conviction to change. There is no time but now to prevent and respond to gender-based violence.
Designed & Illustration by Robin Richardson-Dupuis
Portal Content and Training Program Development by - Viktoria Belle, Program Developer & Co-Facilitator
Edited and Co-facilitated by - Andrea Oswald, Programs Coordinator & Co-Facilitator.
Reviewed by a panel of community experts prior to launch, semi-annual reviews conducted
A special thank you to Bee Reyna, Former SBSS Program Manager for her contributions and work in researching and co-facilitating
Much of these offerings and tools are from the collective years invested into Safer Bars & Safer Artistic Training Education