Referrals & Training
Please see the list of organizations and individuals that provide gender-based violence prevention and response education, training, workshops and policy support for workplaces and community spaces. We are happy to add to this section if you have a referral please email us
Safer Bars & Spaces Training and Policy for Hospitality and Arts Workplaces
Viktoria Belle and Andrea Oswald will continue to provide online blended training through our Now Serving: Safer Bars & Spaces for hospitality, arts and diverse workplaces across Turtle Island after the dandelion closes. If you are interested in working with us please email director@dandelioninitiative.ca
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape
TRCC/MWAR is happy to offer a variety of accessible educational material about sexual violence and related issues.
Yamikani Msosa- Liberation Through Systems Change
From Yami’s Website “As an equity and liberation consultant my desire is to ensure that systems change includes building an ecosystem within an organization that allows for self-sustaining practices and culture shifts within the fabric. My goal is to create solutions with organizations that are unique rather than taking cookie cutter approaches”.
Good Night Out Vancouver Training and Workshops
Good Night Out is a BC-based non-profit society that supports the hospitality, arts and nightlife sectors to better prevent sexual harassment and sexual assault. We work with restaurants, pubs, music venues, festivals, clubs, artists and other stakeholders to learn from each other and build our collective capacity to make safer nights out and safer workplaces for all.
Anova provides workshops and trainings aimed at challenging the patterns that result in gender-based violence** and inequality. We offer interactive workshops and training for healthcare workers, professionals, postsecondary groups and people who live and work with youth. All workshops and trainings are customizable and adapted to individual groups. Anova offers flexible scheduling including evenings and weekends
Native Women's Centre offers workshops on Cultural Competency, Sensitivity, Safety, and Violence Against Women to further educate your staff and organization. With 39 years operating in the violence against women and homelessness sector and over 100 years of combined experienced staff.
Possibility Seeds provides project management, policy analysis and development, critical research, facilitation, resource creation and customized training to advance gender equity. We want to collaborate with you!
OAITH- Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses
Online violence against women training courses. These courses are self-paced, meaning you can start and finish the course at your own pace, and re-visit at any time. Each course has a quiz and you will be awarded a badge upon completion of the course.
White Ribbon workshops are conducted after a safe space is created for participants and after the acknowledgment that gender-based violence affects everyone, including male-identified individuals, but that women and girls (including transgender women and girls) are disproportionately and severely impacted by men’s violence.
Next Gen Men is a small-but-mighty Canadian nonprofit whose work is dedicated to one really ambitious thing—to change how the world sees, acts and thinks about masculinity.
The online training program offered here will assist in preparing everyone in the workplace to not only recognize signs of domestic violence but also how to respond and seek help when workers are experiencing domestic violence. These are key components of professional development for all members of any workplace environment.
SHARE - Free Legal Support for Workplace Sexual Harassment or Violence
Free legal advice for anyone experiencing workplace sexual harassment in ON. 1-866-625-5179; press 5 to speak with staff. Service offered by HRLSC