Policy & Advocacy
Since 2020 we have worked with PEARS a student-developed and led initiative at the University of Toronto. The Dandelion Initiative worked to share our WAGE funding to:
Train 100 students in survivor-centric peer support
Create a reference guide for survivors with supports
Create a policy review of U of T sexual violence policy and student code of conduct, click on the image to see the full guide
Thank you to all the students who are continuing this hard and important work.
Follow PEARS on social media or click here to find more information about their 2022 Town Halls and consultation processes.
What is your responsibility an an employer?
It is the law to ensure you have domestic violence policies in Ontario for employees. Read our learning brief for a legally vetted and reinforced policy recommendation for developing and implementing this policy.

City of Toronto
In 2019, The City of Toronto conducted consultations with specific organizations and a third-party consultant to strengthen Toronto's nightlife safety and economy. In this report, we will focus on two area's of the action plan recommendations, 4a and 2. We hope to continue this important dialogue on safer cities with Toronto and other municipalities across Ontario.
Safer Ontario Workplaces
Now more than ever all levels of Government should focus on creating safer workplaces and cultures as we move through a double pandemic. Again, we acknowledge that we could not do this work alone and are endlessly inspired, driven, and supported by workers and labour rights advocates, including but not limited to, 15 and Fairness and the Workers Action Centre.
Our Covid-19 Policy Recommendations
These policy recommendations come in tandem with our ‘Annual Report 2020/2021’ called “Don’t Rebuild On Our Backs”. As a non-profit staffed and governed by diverse women and trans people, we have designed and implemented comprehensive services, policy, and public education to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. Thus, our policy recommendation and action items are rooted in our program research, lived experience, and multi-agency collaboration